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Sunday 10 July 2011

alien vs actors??transformers lovers:yu might not wanna read this! :)

Hajimaemashte (thats 'hello for the first tym' in japanese accompanied with a bow)-first timers
heyy yu old guys!!

after my pilot version-the first post, its bin pretty busy down here to post the next blog...
what with the rescue of 2 baby squirrels,birding with the birdwatchers club of bangalore and many other worthwhile distractions, i have bin away from the keyboard long enough as to have neglected the blog..

but here i am..

i have been trying to choose the topic of the second post and while juggling the topics of my birding or the rescue of squirrels or other interesting topics,this ball won the chase..
so here i unravel the mysteries of the winning ball:

this aint anything about aliens as in science geeky nerdy stuff! im talking mainly of movies!like alien vs predators and most recently,the TRANSFORMERS...
looks like i have got yur complete attention..hehe:)

well..coming to the topic..we are here speaking about the ALIENS and the highstashed jackedup losers in hollywood bollywood etcwood seem to think that these "aliens" are the 'in thing' in the movie trend now..nothing wrong with that...but can anyone kindly notice that the "aliens" seem to have 2 legs 2 arms,eyes, nose ears,etc etc even when they are transforming metal machines(no offense transformers-lovers but  already ashed you not to read this post)!! how unlikely that a race as superior as the scriptwriters  portray the aliens to be,,,still have basic anatomy of a human and seem to be going through emotions and stuff,, like they have hormones!!!

 amazing how thinking 'out of the box' is becoming thinking around the box in this 'new-era' culture!

ALIENS are a-l-i-e-n-s...they are called so for a reason-to express that they are as different from humans as its possible to be..
But if Hollywood wants to takeover the term aliens and make it sound something like different species of humans,,,,nothing but fanatic fanfollowing can make them successful!!!
lets consider all the movies that had aliens in them,from aliens vs predators to transformers or signs or zathura : evry movie has the alien portrayed as something that we can relate to which doesnt make them aliens anymore..
its time we get new thinking imbibed in the minds of the century before they become too 'around the box' to see real aliens even though they are dancing naked in front of us!! :))

well its 2 am and im dead sleepy
catch ya reading nextpost!!
bye....until next post!
hang forgetting my routine..a piece of knowledge a day
keeps ignorance away! soooooo

the first practical submarine:The Nautilus was designed between 1793 and 1797 by the american inventor Robert was named the nautilus in the honor of JULES VERNE who wrote the book 20000 leagues under the sea and the name of the submarine in the book was nautilus!(best part is that we were still on verge of inventing electricity while this mastermind wrote about technological leaps such as submarines!!)


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