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Thursday 21 July 2011

It all started that night:

That was the previous  night of my last exam
I went out into our backyard only to find a fat squirrel struggling to climb up to the rocks where its nest lay…I was reluctant to pick it up and put it back in its nest because its family would disown it if they smelled human scent on it..
Since it ws not visibly wounded, I assumed it would find its way home easily…
Sadly..the next morning we found it dead, and we had a suspicion that it was a pregnant squirrel..we looked around for possible babies and finding none, I left for college, disappointed..Because just that night I had a strangest dream that its offspring would be found and id be taking care of them..
I was preparing for my exam in college and got a call from mother that they found the babies!!!!

They had fallen out of the nest from crevices in the rock onto the hard ground! L
They had been squeaking for their mommy and out of pain from the antbites( those ants!!!!!! Arrrgh!!) and thy might have been hungry and dehydrated too L
I was more than eager to forget my exam and go home to see my squirrels!! But sadly my degree and the university played a cruel game and held me up in college till six..
And then I had to go pick up my sister from work..
All in all by  the time I got to see the babies it was nightfall and they were fast asleep snuggled in a cozy mobile cardboard box with warm fluffy scraps of clothes..

After extensive research online about baby squirrel care, I tried feeding them water and honey and regretted that they had been fed few drops of cow’s milk by the unaware neighbors in the afternoon..i was hoping that they would not be harmed…

That night I kept a hot water bag inside the box for them and in no time drastic improvement in form of the 2 squiiis crawling around the box was my source of joy!!
(did I forget to mention that 3 squiiis were initially found and one died cos it had drenched in rain searching fo mama squiiii L  )

I tended to them upto 3 in the morning changing heat source and rearranging their ‘nest’ and mostly lost in their beauty of delicacy, innocence and the godlike quality we are attracted to in newborns!!!

Morning brought more activeness and resulted in more joy to me…the killjoy was that I realized, we are not allowed to keep native spiecies such as my squiiis as pets(I so badly wanted them pets)  and also that such young babies are hard to survive without expert care..
So against my will, I called up PFA-people for animals and asked them to take care of them..and rescue them…for, after all the troubles those little ones had gone through they deserved full happy life..:)
A volunteer was sent the next day and sadly I was in college and coundnt say ‘goodbye until next tym!’
Sadly that goodbye for then became goodbye forever for one of my squiiiis as it died the next morning leaving its brother alone and in new company….i got to know that it was deadonly when I went to PFA the next day!!!
It was a huge emotional blow for me because I became attatched to my squiiiis…
Im saying no more of what happened next(among many things that happened next, I called the volunteer who carried the squiii and told him I held him responsible or my squiii’s death)

Wel.. after that I went once more to pfa to be a volunteer(secretly to get to see my squiiii ) and it was happy growing and fluffy already…
Well..the little one…wherever you are, im sure you are in a better place than earth and may you be happy there..
And bigone here, I love you loaaaddds and hope you grow to be a headman of your family tree and live a long full happy life in open!!

fact for the day: do not feed milk to squirrels!! pedialyte or dogfood in proper ratio is better...

Sunday 10 July 2011

alien vs actors??transformers lovers:yu might not wanna read this! :)

Hajimaemashte (thats 'hello for the first tym' in japanese accompanied with a bow)-first timers
heyy yu old guys!!

after my pilot version-the first post, its bin pretty busy down here to post the next blog...
what with the rescue of 2 baby squirrels,birding with the birdwatchers club of bangalore and many other worthwhile distractions, i have bin away from the keyboard long enough as to have neglected the blog..

but here i am..

i have been trying to choose the topic of the second post and while juggling the topics of my birding or the rescue of squirrels or other interesting topics,this ball won the chase..
so here i unravel the mysteries of the winning ball:

this aint anything about aliens as in science geeky nerdy stuff! im talking mainly of movies!like alien vs predators and most recently,the TRANSFORMERS...
looks like i have got yur complete attention..hehe:)

well..coming to the topic..we are here speaking about the ALIENS and the highstashed jackedup losers in hollywood bollywood etcwood seem to think that these "aliens" are the 'in thing' in the movie trend now..nothing wrong with that...but can anyone kindly notice that the "aliens" seem to have 2 legs 2 arms,eyes, nose ears,etc etc even when they are transforming metal machines(no offense transformers-lovers but  already ashed you not to read this post)!! how unlikely that a race as superior as the scriptwriters  portray the aliens to be,,,still have basic anatomy of a human and seem to be going through emotions and stuff,, like they have hormones!!!

 amazing how thinking 'out of the box' is becoming thinking around the box in this 'new-era' culture!

ALIENS are a-l-i-e-n-s...they are called so for a reason-to express that they are as different from humans as its possible to be..
But if Hollywood wants to takeover the term aliens and make it sound something like different species of humans,,,,nothing but fanatic fanfollowing can make them successful!!!
lets consider all the movies that had aliens in them,from aliens vs predators to transformers or signs or zathura : evry movie has the alien portrayed as something that we can relate to which doesnt make them aliens anymore..
its time we get new thinking imbibed in the minds of the century before they become too 'around the box' to see real aliens even though they are dancing naked in front of us!! :))

well its 2 am and im dead sleepy
catch ya reading nextpost!!
bye....until next post!
hang forgetting my routine..a piece of knowledge a day
keeps ignorance away! soooooo

the first practical submarine:The Nautilus was designed between 1793 and 1797 by the american inventor Robert was named the nautilus in the honor of JULES VERNE who wrote the book 20000 leagues under the sea and the name of the submarine in the book was nautilus!(best part is that we were still on verge of inventing electricity while this mastermind wrote about technological leaps such as submarines!!)


Wednesday 6 July 2011

Pilot version!!

I have been meaning to write a blog since ages!! just like i had been meaning to create a flickr photostream(its done is the url :  )and like i have been meaning to buy a dslr camera(sadly i still dint buy one).
wel..atlast here i am!

Trying to decide on what i would write in the first blog was as hard as trying to be Dr Sheldon cooper(there yu are!am a huge bigbangtheory fan!!) or trying to find a needle in haystack! there were so many untainted memories to weave into a narration, there are those resplendent pictures,through my mind's eye and also my camera :), to share and talk about, those serene moments under the azure sky when you FEEL....etc etc :) so in the end, i just decided to jot down watever comes to my mind that second! and here yu are seeing the  repurcussions!to give this short pilot a quick end,  i Apoorva lakshmi.R bid yu goodbye and hope:

i) that you follow my blog from now on, into the memoirs of the interesting realms of life i have explored
ii) that my photostream in flickr keeps yu engaged enough and compensates for this short and pretty dry ( :p ) first blogpost!
see ya agen!!take care
Arigato!(now you learnt how to say thanks in japanese!!)

now!now! not so soon fellas!!
yu see: a piece of knowledge a day,
(yeah yu guessed it!) keeps ignorance away!!!
to prove it,,fact for today: the mammal yu see above is none other than capybara: the largest rodent in the world!   and (thanks! yu flatter me!) but i dint click that picture!! :) *blush blush*